Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Swimming With The Dogs

Lately Mike has been taking the dogs to the lake across the street to swim every other day. Both of them are getting older and have some arthritis. The swimming is great because it works all their muscles without having any chance of injuring themselves. And in our hot weather it sure feels good :)


Geri said...

And to think that Tibo used to be petrified of the water. Whenever we took him down to the Logan River, he would only step on DRY rocks, none of that water for him.

Mary Child said...

That's some impressive pet ownership right there! Go Mike!

Love the scrapbook page.

The Child Family said...

Aren't there alligators in that lake?

Jill Child McGowan said...

No alligators. Our HOA pays to have someone check it regularly :)

Christine said...


I'll be in Miami during October 28-30 at some meetings. What's your phone number? I like to at least give you a call and catch up a little bit. It's been a long time.

Brian Giles