This past week we finally got our solar panels. We've been in the process since last March. As the first people to get them in our community (sub city of Miami) it took a lot to coordinate the permits. The instillation went very smoothly and the company was so nice. On cool, sunny days like we've been having lately we produce far more evergy than we use. On hot, cloudy days we use some from the power company. Each year we should break about even! At some point we'll get our state and federal rebates for a good size chunk of the cost. Yeah for going green!!!
On a side note we spent last night at the ER when I started having bleeding and cramping. My placenta is still sitting on my cervix and decided to bleed for no apparent reason. I still get to do my normal activites just the more relaxed version and if I start bleeding again I have to lay down for that whole day. I feel like I'm turning into a lump on the couch :( I don't think it's a good sign that Mikey is already making things difficult.
Congrats on the solar panels--I wish we could have them! Remember to take care of yourself; growing a human is hard work!! Love ya!
IMPRESSIVE on the solar panels, and sorry to hear about the pregnancy complications. It can be such a bummer to have to rest when you feel like there is so much that needs to be done, but trust me, you're not gonna get much time to veg once little Mikey arrives, so try to enjoy it as much as you can! Take care of yourself Jill-
Yeah! the solar panels were finally installed.
I hope everything keeps going OK so you don't have to go to bed rest. But then, you do whatever you have to do to get Mikey here. Take care of yourself.
Hooray for going green!!!!
I'm very impressed you have the mindset to do so much to your house.
I hope the pregnancy is going better and the braxton hicks have stopped. I can empathize with you on those
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