Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Mikey's Room

This week we got most of Mikey's furniture and set up the baby room.


Mary said...

That's awesome. I'm impressed at how prepared you are!

Queen of the Castle said...

Wow! I'm impressed too! I'm so not that on top of things. So, sea animals, eh? I was wondering what theme you were going to pick. I thought for sure it would have something to do with animals!

Geri said...

I really like what you have done. Who would have known this was once all painted black? Nice rug on the floor, I like your storage units, and I especially like the beach decor with all the sea creatures.

The Child Family said...

Way cute Jill!!!
I hope there's enough room in your bedroom or the living room for that pack 'n play, cause that's probably where it'll end up :)
I really like the material on the stroller combo, it looks really nice. Only a few months left!!!!

Mary Child said...


You are SO MUCH MORE READY than I was! Gage had a bassinette next to our bed in our little one bedroom apartment in Pullman, and a crappy stroller from the thrift store...

Very nice Jill. It looks amazing. You are definitely prepared for your upcoming bundle of joy!

Shalie said...

How fun! The yellow looks really good with all of the fun decor in the room!