Monday, September 8, 2008

Water Bill

So we just got our first water bill since we put in the rain barrel. They bill for every 3 months here so this bill was from May 27 to August 26. Our bill ending in May was for 17,204 gallons at a grand total of $106. That bill covered the first part of our growing season for our plants so it was at high consumption. The current bill is also during our high consumption time and is for 9,724 gallons at a total of $61. In 3 more billing cycles the rain barrel will have paid for itself and we really feel great about what a difference it has made. We have also been making small household changes as far as showers vs baths and leaving water running less when doing dishes and brushing teeth. It just makes us more excited and motivated to see just how much we can do!


The Child Family said...

I don't mean to sound naive or anything, but what exactly does a water barrel do?
When I lived in Mexico they had black water barrels on the roofs to collect rain water and save for a "not-so-rainy" day. Is that the same thing (though I'm sure more advanced)?

Jill Child McGowan said...

Exact same thing and probably not more advanced. It's a big plastic barrel that collects from the rain gutter and has a hose out the side.

Mary Child said...

Impressive. So you used the rain barrel water to water the garden? That is pretty amazing to see savings like that. That really is impressive. Too bad it never rains here...