Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sick Kids...

You know it's been a rough day when both of your kids throw up all over you.  (sigh)

Mikey has had a nasty cold for just over a week now.  He had a fever for 4 days that only stayed down with medication.  We got over that part but he still has a runny nose and a lingering cough.  Now, this kid has the most sensitive gag reflex ever.  Anything that makes him cough or cry too hard is likely to make him throw up.  During this illness we have had full blown vomiting 3 times and minor spitups twice.  It makes it really challenging to parent him while sick.  So yesterday afternoon I was trying to get him ready to go to the store and he got upset, started crying and then started vomiting all over both of us.  So much for going to the store.  Luckily Mike was home so he could go straight to the shower while I cleaned up the floor (thank goodness for tile).

Ayla caught this nice cold from Mikey and has been pretty fussy for 3 days.  Yesterday she started to get a fever.  While the fever was mild she does not clam easily.  In the middle of the night I went to go feed her and she was inconsolable.  She was crying, screaming and thrashing around.  I got some medicine into her and was trying to clam her when all of a sudden, full blown vomiting.  She rarely even spits up so this was not expected.  I managed to keep it puddled in my lap as I waddled to her changing table to get her cleaned off.  I stripped both of us down and once she was on new pajamas I got Mike up to hold her while I showered.  Not how I like to spend the hours of 2-4 am.  I took her back from Mike and finally got her settled down.

Today they are both still coughing and have runny noses.  I am so ready to be done with isolation so we don't pass this on to friends.  I have only gone out to work, the grocery store and walks around the block.  The only thing that could make this worse is if I catch it and Mike leaves town for work...

1 comment:

The Child Family said...

ugh, that sounds terrible. Nothing to put a damper on your day/ night like being vomited all over.
I hope they are on the up-and-up and that the nasty bug leaves your house soon so you guys can enjoy your beautiful Miami winter!!!!