He's crawling up a storm and cruising along the furniture. We're just waiting for that first step.
He sticks out his tongue when he is thinking about something. Very cute :)
He is starting to feed himself (some gets in him, most goes to Tibo on the floor).
My other project has been to try to get a good picture for my new job's website. I like the first one but it's blurry and I just tend to be hard to please, and not photogenic. I really enjoy the new job- most of the time I'm a "doggy dentist". That's right, I pull dog's teeth for 10 hours straight and get paid very well to do it :) I enjoy the work and it's much less stress than emergency. I also enjoy working part time right now while Mikey is little and still not sleeping through the night.
Along the line of other random ramblings: Last night I tried my first traditional irish dish of corned beef and cabbage. Not only was it good but Mike said it was better than his mother's (smart husband). I think we will add that to our list of crock pot meals we enjoy.
We are excited about Easter next week. Mikey can't do too much for it yet but we got him a stuffed bunny for his easter basket and some colored plastic eggs. We are going to wait until next year for the easter egg hunt and such. What other stuff do all of you do with the smaller kids for easter?